ill give translations, but don't expect it to be grammatically correct in english. Translating, and putting in english grammar rules takes too much thought.
The night before had been annoying. Working on 摺紙 (origami), and my chinese essay.... took me until 6 in the morning. 2 hours later, I had to wake up for, you guessed it, chinese school. It was with a tired and slightly irate attitude that I attended the class. I was already pissed about one of his assignments: We had to teach the class a piece of "level 1 origami." He only mentioned what level 1 origami /wasn't/, and never said what it was. So I prepared a piece, and I was pretty sure it was too simple for the homework.
In class, we were asked to participate in a debate/discussion/expression of ideas on how to increase the ratio of Chinese voters to the total population of eligible Chinese citizens. In the class, we were encouraged to construct "rebuttals" to the presenter's remarks in the form of additional marks.
The assignment was flawed in every sense of the word. First of all, it couldn't be taken as a discussion, as discussions are constructive; you don't construct rebuttals to their points unless it builds to the general idea of the discussion itself. If it were to be taken as a debate (the teacher called it a mini-debate): 1. Asking the entire class to debate on one POV is a mistake. Because of this, many points were repeated at many points of the assignment, and after a while, general interest was lost. 2. The contender was not given a chance to reconstruct his/her points after it had been rebutted. 3. In general, the period was not moderated very well.
And my boat origami wasn't accepted, so I had to scramble up a rose tutorial.... That didn't go very well.
In the car after the lesson, I vented to claud about this, and she told me to relax. Normally, I would dismiss this statement as an inability to defend against the points that I had brought up, but my dad, who was driving at the time, really hung onto it, and it got me thinking: What if I was bringing it way out of proportion?
Supporting this is the fact that I was exhausted at the time, working at Chinese homework and projects for almost twenty hours, separated in the middle by a two hour rest period. I could also possibly be irked by the fact that my origami wasn't accepted because it wasn't complex enough. Another supporting point was that I could just be overreacting to the fact that she got a better mark in the class.
To refute these, "exhaustion" was not a key to this, as evidently, I am still pissed after a long nap and the night as well. The origami point 有可能成立 (may be able to establish)....maybe. The third point doesn't matter at all; in order to get marks, you can only choose either doing the debate, or doing the origami. However, refuting is up for grabs.
Throughout the past two days, I've been thinking of the subject (just can't seem to get it off my mind), and a lot has come of it. The first idea: Everybody has their own passion, and everybody tries hard at the thing they like.
The second one (this one's my dad's point, and I questioned it over the period of two days): basically, 求人不如求己.(ask yourself instead of asking others)
- 點解唔係人人平等呢? (why isnt everybody equal? in the way that "you" are equal to others.)
- 如果個個人都係噉樣想就得啫....., 但係唔係吖嘛. 有好多人就是求人多過求己囉 (it only works if other people think like that, a lot of people don't.)
阿爸話噉樣先會開心...但係我覺得:“如過你嘅想法同你個生活方式係一樣嘅,你就會開心囉...但係如過唔係嘅,就唔會."噉即係話,如過你嘅想法係求己嘅,而你個生活方式都係求己嘅呢,噉你就會開心囉...其它嗰啲你自己想啦(dad said that if you thought like that, then you'll be happy... but i think that "if your thoughts and your actions coincide, then you'll be happy, but if they don't, then you won't. aka. if you always struggle to better yourself, and your actions coincide, then you'll be happy. Think of the other ones on your own.)
If I think of anything else, I'll say it in another post. I didn't write this down.
This attempt to put the complex human mind into a linear format has been mindblowing. Kind of like expressing three dimensions on paper. It probably won't make sense, but it does to me.
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