Sunday, 28 June 2009

... conforming?

I rely on my fobbiness/deprivedness to make myself different from the crowd, but I feel that this is changing. For the first time today, I went and actually shopped. Like, not just lounge around in stores, but actually pick up clothes and try them on. Though I still haven't bought anything on my own, I think that it'll happen soon. And I'm here wondering if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Another thing to prove my fobbiness is gradually fading: my music. I used to say that english music qas horrible; poison to the ears. As it turns out now, I have more english songs on my (borrowed) ipod than any other. It felt horribly unbalanced.

And a third thing. I'm not deprived. I might have overprotective parents (azn, what do you expect?), but they let me buy stuff, date, and all that other stuff.

Is this change a good thing? I don't know, and I sure hope so. Hopefully I won't become just another kid =/.

Countdown to camp: 6 more days D<


Anonymous said...

What do you mean, just another kid? For some of us, it'll never seem that way.

Spend some time to explore yourself. Maybe you'll discover something new, or maybe RE-discover older things.

Childhood is only so long.

Anonymous said...

thank god you're changing your music LOLL

this is adrian btw

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