Wednesday, 18 February 2009


wow, today sucks. i lost my wallet. somebody stole it. and it had my student id card, a SCENE card, 7 bucks, and 2 condoms in it. i mean, the most important thing in it is probs the student id card itself, but the hardest part is breaking it to my parents. i can tell, if they knew, theyd bitch at me day, and nite, and day, and nite... well, you get the idea. also, the other hard part is getting a new wallet. xD, my last one was free, so i have no idea how im gonna get a new one. hmmm....


j said...


Rachel said...

condoms...? o__O;;

[ a. n. g. i. e. ] said...

o.O Losing your wallet? Zomfg...that's EXACTLY what happened in RCII!

...Rach is magic. :D

Student ID Card? Condoms? xD In a new relationship already, ha ha? You're so fickle. :D

the deprived child said...

xD yes, condoms, guys. i kept 2 condoms in my wallet. and i had it even wen sarah took it. xD maybe she was attracted by them.

anyway... i also lost my SPC card in there. so no more discount for me :(

DarknessxLight said...

ummm ... why exactly are you carrying condums in ur wallet?
Ahh well, not my buisness.
ur wallet shall come back on it's own accord after it gets through the trauma of being lost.

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