Seeing as this blog is pretty useless, I've decided to convert it to serve a slightly more useful purpose. Rating of my days :)
Good things that happened today:-
uhh... buffet :)
... didnt practice piano... is that considered a good thing?
Bad things that happened today:-
- nosebled TWICE today -_-
- chinese school x.x
- stupid barrie parade, froze my hands off AND THE VALVES, TOO >.<
- dad doesnt want me to play starcraft anymore. and by "doesnt want" he means "ill kill you if u do."
- stupid geo project AND science project
- Stupid CTC
- stupid life in general.
i could die with all this shit happening around my life.
General rating: a quite nasty horrible day, mainly with the starcraft thing and the barrie parade thing.
Richard, everyday is a gift. Everything you come across is a gift. Always be thanksgiving rather than complaining. Patrick
Honestly, that sounds like an exerpt from philosophy class. And honestly, I've heard enough of that stuff at home. no need to post it on the net, too -_-.
Just a very friendly reminder. You know, hearing doesn't mean listening, sometimes.
OMG, your dad is SO COOL! xDDDDDD
wow... cool? i wouldnt go that far...
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